Saturday, March 8, 2008
Natural Resouce Managment
A. NABARD Watershed Projects NABARD Bangalore has sponsored 4 Watershed ( 1000 Ha. Each ) projects at Bijapur , Capacity Building Phase activities will be completing by Sept.2004. The village level Watershed committees formed. People are contributing 25% towards land treatment cost.
B. SUJALA Watershed Development Project. The Staff of the POWER are providing the services for Kanakapur sub watershed under SUJALA Watershed at Haveri in collaboration with District Distict watershed and are actively involved in organizing community , and preparing them to take up watershed programme.
C. Sustainable Agriculture Programme : POWER collaborated with Youth fro Action, Hydrabad for execution of Sustainable Agriculture projects for 3 years, The result of the project has attracted our team very much towards Sustainable Agriculture. With this motto we have collaborated with Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, Banglore . 8 members of our team has undergone the training on MTOF (Master Training on Organic Farming ). 20 villges covered under the project.
11.5 Cluster Facilitation Team Services under the Jala Samvardhana Project POWER is Providing Cluster Facilitation Services for the Karnataka Community Based Tank Management Project at Hanagal Taluka of Haveri District. POWER will be working for rehabilitation of Thirty EightTanks in Five Panchayats for a period of four years.
11.6 Capacity Building of Tank Water User Communities. POWER has been involved in Promotion and Capacity building of Water User Committees at Shahapur and Shorapur talukas of Gulbarga districts under the Govt. of India Scheme National project for Repair, Renovation, and Restoration of Water Bodies directly linked to Agriculture
Natural Resource Management
Swabhavika Sampanulagala Samrakshane
A. NABARD Watershed Projects NABARD Bangalore has sponsored 4 Watershed ( 1000 Ha. Each ) projects at Bijapur , Capacity Building Phase activities will be completing by Sept.2004. The village level Watershed committees formed. People are contributing 25% towards land treatment cost.
B. SUJALA Watershed Development Project.
The Staff of the POWER are providing the services for Kanakapur sub watershed under SUJALA Watershed at Haveri in collaboration with District Distict watershed and are actively involved in organizing community , and preparing them to take up watershed programme.
C. Sustainable Agriculture Programme : POWER collaborated with Youth fro Action, Hydrabad for execution of Sustainable Agriculture projects for 3 years, The result of the project has attracted our team very much towards Sustainable Agriculture. With this motto we have collaborated with Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, Banglore . 8 members of our team has undergone the training on MTOF (Master Training on Organic Farming ). 20 villges covered under the project.
11.5 Cluster Facilitation Team Services under the Jala Samvardhana Project
POWER is Providing Cluster Facilitation Services for the Karnataka Community Based Tank Management Project at Hanagal Taluka of Haveri District. POWER will be working for rehabilitation of Thirty EightTanks in Five Panchayats for a period of four years.
11.6 Capacity Building of Tank Water User Communities.
POWER has been involved in Promotion and Capacity building of Water User Committees at Shahapur and Shorapur talukas of Gulbarga districts under the Govt. of India Scheme National project for Repair, Renovation, and Restoration of Water Bodies directly linked to Agriculture
A. NABARD Watershed Projects NABARD Bangalore has sponsored 4 Watershed ( 1000 Ha. Each ) projects at Bijapur , Capacity Building Phase activities will be completing by Sept.2004. The village level Watershed committees formed. People are contributing 25% towards land treatment cost.
B. SUJALA Watershed Development Project.
The Staff of the POWER are providing the services for Kanakapur sub watershed under SUJALA Watershed at Haveri in collaboration with District Distict watershed and are actively involved in organizing community , and preparing them to take up watershed programme.
C. Sustainable Agriculture Programme : POWER collaborated with Youth fro Action, Hydrabad for execution of Sustainable Agriculture projects for 3 years, The result of the project has attracted our team very much towards Sustainable Agriculture. With this motto we have collaborated with Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation, Banglore . 8 members of our team has undergone the training on MTOF (Master Training on Organic Farming ). 20 villges covered under the project.
11.5 Cluster Facilitation Team Services under the Jala Samvardhana Project
POWER is Providing Cluster Facilitation Services for the Karnataka Community Based Tank Management Project at Hanagal Taluka of Haveri District. POWER will be working for rehabilitation of Thirty EightTanks in Five Panchayats for a period of four years.
11.6 Capacity Building of Tank Water User Communities.
POWER has been involved in Promotion and Capacity building of Water User Committees at Shahapur and Shorapur talukas of Gulbarga districts under the Govt. of India Scheme National project for Repair, Renovation, and Restoration of Water Bodies directly linked to Agriculture
1. Organise Rural women and men of weaker sections for Integrated Sustainable Development by promoting Viable Self Help Groups.
2. To promote people's participation in Sustainable Agriculture Development.
Initiate Income-Generating Activities through Self-Help Groups (SHG's) by providing skill trainings on value addition for Organic food produces.
3. To promote small scale Industries for Economic empowerment of the Rural Poor by creating marketing facility for Organic produces.
4. To provide need based financial support through Micro finance.
5. To provide Awareness and Need based Skills through Trainings, Demonstrations, Workshop, Exhibitions, Seminars and other madias on Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming.
6. To promote Organic farming and Certification process.
1. Organise Rural women and men of weaker sections for Integrated Sustainable Development by promoting Viable Self Help Groups.
2. To promote people's participation in Sustainable Agriculture Development.
Initiate Income-Generating Activities through Self-Help Groups (SHG's) by providing skill trainings on value addition for Organic food produces.
3. To promote small scale Industries for Economic empowerment of the Rural Poor by creating marketing facility for Organic produces.
4. To provide need based financial support through Micro finance.
5. To provide Awareness and Need based Skills through Trainings, Demonstrations, Workshop, Exhibitions, Seminars and other madias on Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming.
6. To promote Organic farming and Certification process.
ಪಾವರ್ ಕಿರುನೋಟ
POWER is A Service Oriented Voluntary Organisation dedicated to serve the interest of the rural people, Natural Resource Management.The organization was started in the 1998-99 with the intension of upliftment and empowerment of rural people through wasteland and environment regeneration Over the last 8 years it is serving for the rural people in the area like Promotion of Commuinty Participation in NaturalResource Management, Promotion of Micro Credit, Income Generation Activities Watershed related Activities, skill development, education both formal and nonformal etc. The basic problem which Bijapur District is facing is MIGRATION to neighboring states. To check the migration organization has takenup Land reform activities, Income generation programmes and Skill development trainings. Moreover the Agriculture of Bijapur District is based on Rain Fall . If rain showers people will flash wonders. In this connection Organisation is planning to adopt traditional and old cropping method and working for Sustainable Agriculture The main force behind all these activities is Mr. Siddu Pujari and team.
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